Hadi Mirror

I am an Iranian journalist and blogger, studied Sociology, with interests and experiences in New Media and citizen journalism. I cover Iran on Global Voices here: http://globalvoicesonline.org/author/hadi-nili. I'm on twitter @ HadiMirror.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Ahmadinejad sidesteps problems inside Iran

Nosrat Azizi, a carpenter who built most of Tehran's old wooden ballot boxes, said he voted in 1997 for Mr. Khatami and in 2005 for Mr. Ahmadinejad, who was then considered the anti-establishment candidate.

"I have always voted for reform and for good change, to make the situation better," he said.

Asked whether he would vote for Mr. Ahmadinejad again, however, Mr. Azizi said he would not bother because "for sure he would be president. All the presidents have won their second rounds." Still, he didn't rule out participating if Mr. Khatami or someone like him runs.

"I've heard that Khatami is going to nominate himself," Mr. Azizi said. "There are also some other names. I would vote only if there was someone better than Ahmadinejad.

Full Story>>>

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Iranians historically scarred by Russian aggression

Washington Times - TEHRAN | Ahmad Tajadod makes his early morning tea in a samovar, drives an old Lada car to work, wears a Russian fur hat with ear flaps during cold Tehran winters and serves guests bootleg vodka at parties.

But Mr. Tajadod, an electrician who fixes wires in old houses, is not surprised by Russia's recent behavior in Georgia and two breakaway provinces in the Caucasus.

A native of the Iranian province of Azerbaijan, Mr. Tajadod remembers the period after World War II when a Soviet-backed communist party declared Iranian Azerbaijan an autonomous state. Intervention by Britain and the United States helped local forces make the Russians withdraw.

"We do not trust the Russians," he said.

The Story Continues...

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