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Hadi Mirror
I am an Iranian journalist and blogger, studied Sociology, with interests and experiences in New Media and citizen journalism. I cover Iran on Global Voices here: http://globalvoicesonline.org/author/hadi-nili. I'm on twitter @ HadiMirror.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Sunday, March 05, 2006
In Hope for Pluralistic Iranians
Iranians new generation differs a lot to their parents’ generation. One of the most important sights of this difference could be observed in their relationships with people who do not exactly believe in similar ideas.
Iranian parents were not tendentious to relate largely with people holding different ideas and lifestyles. Despite the parents have been grown up and educated under a so called secular regime who have deeply willed to omit the religion from Iranian lifestyle and the youth have been grown up and trained by an ideological regime which is still targeting the Iranian society in wish to extend Islamic lifestyle among them, now it is ironic that Iranian youth are experiencing a view to their believes in a full contrast with their parents. You can easily address young Iranians who have various ideas about the life and the universe and even about the God and they are really friends! This ideological tolerance is so strong that even some youth people have friendly relationships for years but they do not know what exactly their friends do believe in and do not believe in - and that is because they do not really care about the issue.
This tolerated multi-ideal sphere could help Iranian young society to reach a pluralistic culture, which could bear various colourful ideas and believes - just the factor that Iranian society suffers lack of it today!

:: This post have been published in News From Iran, a weblog wich represnts a chain news-program with the same name in Channel4. The program is being contributed from Iran. Best wishes for Jon Snow and the crew his Iran! You can post a comment about my view of Iranian life, like here in my weblog.
Labels: Culture, Iranian Nuclear Controversy, Media, Society
Friday, March 03, 2006
Not an Easy Life
Ragna Kronstad is a Norwegian friend of mine who I have met the last summer when she was visiting Iran. She sends me an email from Oslo some awhile and I write her a reply. Yesterday she sent me an email and asks about how we are passing our lives these days in Iran. She is a successful Norwegian journalist in Energy and due to this fact, cares about the Iranian nuclear story. I just decided to write her a full reply but there was no mood for it and nor any its accuracy.
To be polite, I wrote her in few words that I would write her about the question in detail and admitted in brief “I would write for you about our everyday life as soon as I identified it myself that how does it going! You know, here in Iran, we are experiencing a rapid passing history in which we have at least a key important issue to think about, everyday! That is not an easy life Ragna, not easy! ...”
I was just ending my letter to Ragna with an ordinary Best Wishes that suddenly recognized what I have written and what description I have made about our daily life’s here in Iran. To be honest, I got surprised of its accuracy and sharpness … I got afraid!
Labels: Everyday Life, Iran